session 4 My fauvorite subject "anatomy"

My fauvorite subject is anatomy, because we studied the structure of living things, and the similarities and differences between them, in other words, shape, topography, location, layout and the relationship between bodies are composed, etc. This course consists of lectures and practical activities that take place in Hall of anatomy.
I love this course because it is fundamental to my professional future orientation as in the area of veterinary medicine, particularly in the area of surgery, which is where I want to specialize further in the not too distant future.
Also, I like it because I can use in other career-related subjects, and it most likely is that I serve to settle at current subjects as physiology, or future, always have to use the anatomy and this one of the fundamental branches That is what I like so much, although my performance is not adequate, I learned a lot that is also an advantage.
Category: 6 comments


Carla_Lemus said...

Hi Ariel
As I have the same tastes.
I think it's the best class we've had.
See you soon

Walas said...

I like Anatomy, is very interesting and I think that is a beatiful area of the knowledge.


feñajimenez said...

that is really a part very important of the veterinary medicine. It`s beautiful but difficult xD!

Rodrigo said...
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Rodrigo said...

I hate anatomy, I hate it, I hate it and I hate it. Hahahahaha but is very important, because I believe that I will have to take for second time ¬¬.
regards Ariel! :)

Miss said...

My fauvorite subject is anatomy, because we studied the structure of living things, and the similarities and differences between them, in other words, shape, topography, location, layout and the relationship between bodies are composed, etc. This course consists of lectures and practical activities that take place in Hall of anatomy.
I love this course because it is fundamental to my professional future orientation as in the area of veterinary medicine, particularly in the area of surgery, which is where I want to specialize further in the not too distant future.
Also, I like it because I can use in other career-related subjects, and it most likely is that I serve to settle at current subjects as physiology, or future, always have to use the anatomy and this one of the fundamental branches That is what I like so much, although my performance is not adequate, I learned a lot that is also an advantage.

well done! I'm glad you can see the use of such an important subject

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