session 5: "my ideal job"

Hello!!!! I speak about my ideal work....
I remember when i was 5 year, my dream was fireman and the i was 15 year mi dream finaly is
realize, but
i discovered that he could not live with this work and decided to give all my effort to get into veterinary medicine, because love of animals is very big and i am happy to study this career.

When enter to medicine veterinary my dream was to veterinary clinical work more, and specialize in horses, and so far I keep the same dream. I would also take time in clinical work with younger dogs, I find it very entertaining, but I like working with horses.

I enjoy working with horses since childhood because my family has had horses are beautiful and faithful
, it would be fun to work on an important farm animal in the field and gain experience from working with horses and then horses somewhere with fewer resources people, give information, educate people and help control diseases in horses.

This career opening possibilities to develops this as a good equine veterinarian.
One of my dreams than horses develops as a specialist is working with projects to help the country to grow, for example to create the first public kennel in chili
. I find it very fun to work with projects and invent things, i would also encourage some specialization of horses that is not developer in Chile, it is very difficult to do something like that, but it is fun to do something new because i'd be a professional recognized the field of horses. The last thing I would stress is college education, working in universities, developed scientific research on animal behavior and various topics related to veterinary medicine.

Category: 3 comments


Rodrigo said...

Hi Ariel!!
Horses are very beautiful and funny!! I like to much too, but is necessary have very knowledge about anatomy and I'm very bad to anatomy...

I hope that you'll be very happy in all areas.

Bye bye friend.

Miss said...

Hello!!!! I speak about my ideal work....
I remember when i was 5 year, my dream was fireman and the i was 15 year mi dream finaly is WW realize, but i discovered that WW he could not live with this work and decided to give all my effort to get into veterinary medicine, because^ love of animals is very big and i am happy to study this career.

When^ TENSE enter to medicine veterinary my dream was to veterinary clinical work more, and specialize in horses, and so far I keep the same dream. I would also take time in clinical work with younger dogs, I find it very entertaining, but I like working with horses.

I enjoy working with horses since childhood because my family has had horses are beautiful and faithful, it would be fun to work on an important farm animal in the field and gain experience from working with horses and then horses somewhere with fewer resources people, give information, educate people and help control diseases in horses.

This career WF opening possibilities to develops this as a good equine veterinarian.
One of my dreams than horses develops as a specialist is working with projects to help the country to grow, for example to create the first public kennel in chili. I find it very fun to work with projects and invent things, i would also encourage some specialization of horses that is not developer in Chile, it is very difficult to do something like that, but it is fun to do something new because i'd be a WO professional recognized the field of horses. The last thing I would stress is college education, working in universities, developed scientific research on animal behavior and various topics related to veterinary medicine.

well done! good luck with it! have you thought of a artcular place?

Sofía Guzmán Bernal said...

Hi ariel! I like horses too! Before I enter to this career, I was afraid of them, but thanks to the Hippoterapy and equine basic practice I could deal with that fear :)
Be well! bye bye!

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