session 3, my favourite web site.

The website you always visit the animal planet (, which can do various tasks, consisting of video link, programs, news, interactive games, animal news, documentaries of various subjects like the life of an animal, or how you can get to fertilize an animal. It contains very good images of support, which help make the site visually attractive, at the end of the main page you can find many links to videos, which are very interesting, at first web site you can find news, programs or most interesting documentaries and current world.
This site I visit about 3-5 times a week, where many tests have decreased my visit to the site. This site is ideal, contains everything that interests me, as wildlife documentaries and lets me know many realities elsewhere, related to animals, is very interesting to know the latest news from the animal such as hunting whales, animal abuse, etc.
I recommend this site, I guarantee you will not regret, because it is very entertaining information about the animal world and its various themes.I love browsing this site for a traditional family
Category: 7 comments


Carla_Lemus said...

Hi Ariel
I also visited this site often, it really is very good
The documentary can be reviewed are really wonderful.

miri85 said...

wow! that's great! I don’t know this site but right now I'm going to visit!!! looks interesting…. see you bye!

Isaias said...

Hi Ariel, I have just visited your favourite web site and is very entertaining due to the variety of thing we can do in this web site... bye

Nikito said...

nice wed site
I like see documentaries of wildlife
in Africa

feñajimenez said...


Rodrigo said...

Ariel!! You favourite web site is very nice, specially the link "Zoos guide"... :D
regards friend.

Miss said...

The website you always visit the animal planet (, which can do various tasks, consisting of video link, programs, news, interactive games, animal news, documentaries of various subjects like the life of an animal, or how you can get to fertilize an animal. It contains very good images of support, which help make the site visually attractive, at the end of the main page you can find many links to videos, which are very interesting, at first web site you can find news, programs or most interesting documentaries and current world.
This site I visit about 3-5 times a week, WF where many tests have decreased my visit to the site. This site is ideal, contains everything that interests me, as wildlife documentaries and lets me know many realities elsewhere, related to animals, is very interesting to know the latest news from the animal such as hunting whales, animal abuse, etc.
I recommend this site, I guarantee you will not regret, because it is very entertaining ^ information about the animal world and its various themes.I love browsing this site for a traditional family

very interesting! so usually when you are too busy you don't check it too much I think..

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