Session 2: "The medicine veterinary"

When I decided to enter veterinary medicine...

The first thing I thought was the great relationship I have with animals, as I was born in the country is very interested in horses and animals of this type, generally larger clinic. It is a profession with an extensive employment and from the economic point of view, is relatively good. You step in my college, I was always more biological scientists, what helped me decide in relation to the possible subjects that interested me learn. In regard to my family was a big boost to enter the university, because they are fans of animals and nature, my father was the driving force to study veterinary madicine, because in his childhood he wanted to study it, but some factors could not do it.
These are some of the reasons that prompted me to study, and soon to be a professional animal world, and so can help a helpless man can only defend.

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1 comment:

Miss said...

When I decided to enter veterinary medicine...
The first thing I thought was the great relationship I have with animals, as I was born in the country is very interested in horses and animals of this type, generally larger clinic. It is a profession with an extensive employment and from the economic point of view, is relatively good. You step in my college???, I was always more biological scientists, what helped me ^ decide in relation to the possible subjects that interested me learn. In regard to my family ^ was a big boost to enter the university, because they are fans of animals and nature, my father was the driving force to study veterinary madicine, because in his childhood he wanted to study it, but some factors could not do it.
These are some of the reasons that prompted me to study, and soon to be a professional animal world, and so can help a helpless man can only defend.

Well done! Now some of theideas are not so clear...
check the corrections
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